A message from Executive Director Donna Hassler:
Update on Chesterwood’s Opening Plans for Summer Season 2020

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To all our friends and supporters,

The staff at the National Trust for Historic Preservation and Chesterwood have closely monitored the health situation relating to the spread of COVID-19 in this community and beyond by following the CDC, the mandates of the government of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the local Berkshire County health department guidelines.  It is our sincere hope that we will be able to open the grounds at Chesterwood this summer for inspiration and relaxation during these uncertain times. The safety of the Chesterwood staff and visitors is of the upmost importance to us.  As soon as we have the specific details of our opening date within the next few weeks, we will post that information on our website and social media.  We are also starting to plan art and wellness programs in collaboration with other non-profit organizations who are looking to move their programming outdoors.

Please consider supporting Chesterwood as we face a summer season where we will lose significant revenue from admissions and gift shop sales which accounts for over a quarter of our operating budget.

Join our annual membership community (your card will be dated to begin the day we open this season.)  Join at the Contributor level ($150) or above and you will trigger a free membership to a local family.

Purchase a gift certificate for a special friend that can be redeemed for a membership or applied to our online Gift Shop where you will find many reproductions of Daniel Chester French’s works as well as books about French.

Donate what you can to support the preservation and interpretation of Chesterwood and the legacy of Daniel Chester French.  All gifts also help us continue to showcase the work of contemporary artists through our annual sculpture exhibition and artist-in-residence program.

All contributions to Chesterwood are 100% tax-deductible as allowable by law and for every $2.00 you donate now the Robert W. Wilson Charitable Trust has generously offered to donate an additional $1.00 to the National Trust for Historic Preservation, in support of their core mission to save America’s historic places.

Thank you again for your support in any way you can, and I wish you and your family continued health and safety.  Stay connected with us on Instagram and Facebook and check our website frequently for new videos, podcasts and resources.   Right now you can enjoy this segment broadcast by WGBY TV’s  “Connecting Point” (watch below) which highlights the unique outdoor experience at this historic artists’ home and studio in the Berkshires.

Warm regards from all of us at Chesterwood,
Donna Hassler
Executive Director, Chesterwood
a Site of the National Trust for Historic Preservation
& Administrator, Historic Artists’ Homes and Studios Program