Berkshire Artists Residency Program at Chesterwood:
Chesterwood reimagined:
architecture and sculpture in dialogue
EXHIBITION ON VIEW: August 30 - September 22, 2024
Dai Ban, Grigori Fateyev and Kyle Strack, come see what they have been up to all summer!
This joint exhibition is on view during Chesterwood’s regular open hours, Wednesdays through Mondays from 10am to 5pm, until September 22, 2024. All the artwork is for sale through the Berkshire Art Center’s website. All sales benefit the artist, the Berkshire Art Center and Chesterwood. QR codes to link to the online shop are posted in the gallery.
Entrance to the Morris Center Gallery is free, however admission tickets are required if you would like to tour the contemporary sculpture show on the grounds or visit the historic Studio and Barn. Please purchase your admission tickets at the Barn Visitors Center.
This residency is made possible by the Berkshire Art Center’s Berkshire Artist Residency program.
“Chesterwood Reimagined” at the Morris Center Gallery