Monument Maker: Daniel Chester French and the Lincoln Memorial by Linda Booth Sweeney and illustrated by Shawn Fields


Monument Maker: Daniel Chester French and the Lincoln Memorial by Linda Booth Sweeney and illustrated by Shawn Fields


When Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in 1865, fifteen-year-old Daniel Chester French had no way to know that one day his tribute to the great president would transform a plot of Washington, DC marshland into America’s gathering place. He did not even know that a sculptor was something to be. He only knew that he liked making things with his hands.

“This new release book is the perfect history lesson and fascinating biography of Daniel Chester French, the sculptor who created the Lincoln Memorial. Daniel was just a farm boy until creation of the Lincoln Memorial, so perhaps your children know of the memorial but do they know Daniel Chester French? Dan taught himself to sculpt and launched his career with the famous Minuteman Statue in his hometown of Concord, Massachusetts.  Now history, of a man assassinated, lives on with a rich history non-fiction story for children and how you never know when your gift will become something this amazing. After all, he was just sculpting for the love of sculpting and had no idea his masterpiece would become such a national tribute visited by so many to come.”
Erin Sluka, Parenting Healthy

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